Digital Doctor X-Prize Challenge

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Digital Doctor X CHALLENGE $1 Million
Grand Challenge: Nearly half of our world’s population lives in rural areas with little or no access to primary healthcare physicians. The supply of doctors does not exist, nor are there the funds to build millions of hospitals needed in the developing world. Although most of the visits to primary care physicians are routine in nature, many of them can become fatal if not diagnosed and treated in a timely manner. A mechanism to provide low-cost, point of care, accurate diagnostics and treatment is critical.
Draft Guidelines: The goal of this Challenge is to build and demonstrate an expert system (PC, mobile computer or mobile platform based) that can be operated by a minimally trained person (30 days training) that can accurately diagnose the top regionally-based diseases (e.g. respiratory diseases, water-borne illnesses) for a particular region of the world. In the first phase, to compete, all registered Teams will be given a digital test set of 100 patients to run through their Digital Doctor. The top five performing Teams will become Finalists. These Finalists will then be competed head-to-head against a group of ten Board Certified Physicians in diagnosing and a group of 10 “live” patients. The best Digital Doctor Team (the highest accuracy and least amount of false positives) who is able to diagnose the 10 Patients, as well, or better than the 10 board certified doctors, will win the $1 million Challenge.

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One thought on “Digital Doctor X-Prize Challenge

  1. Where can one go to get more information on this? My friend and I are very interested in this and would like to possible compete in this challenge.

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Naveen Jain